On November 18th Art Talk held an exhibition and calendar launch at the Discovery Centre in Winchester.
Most of the Artists came along to show off their work and they were joined by Hampshire County Councillor Jackie Porter and Tim Houghton, CEO of Community First. Several friends and family members also came along to support the group.
Most of the Artists came along to show off their work and they were joined by Hampshire County Councillor Jackie Porter and Tim Houghton, CEO of Community First. Several friends and family members also came along to support the group.
The group really enjoyed themselves and 29 calendars were bought through donations. Six paintings were also sold on behalf of the individual members.
The day before the exhibition the At Talk Plus group members got together to decorate some cakes to give away at the exhibition. Harriet from Blame It On The Baking made the cakes and showed the group what to do. Check out her blog at http://blameitonthebaking.com/about/ to see what else she does.
Art Talk Plus supports the Art Talk artists by promoting their work and organising events and exhibitions. Art Talk Plus recently received a grant from Hampshire County Council, through the Have Your Say scheme, to support their work .
Art Talk Plus supports the Art Talk artists by promoting their work and organising events and exhibitions. Art Talk Plus recently received a grant from Hampshire County Council, through the Have Your Say scheme, to support their work .